Coffee and a bonjour sign

Coffee Shops to Visit for the Perfect Caffeine Fix

参观这些独特的贝博体彩app咖啡馆,满足你对咖啡因的所有渴望, whether that's pourover or drip coffee, 拿铁咖啡, or just shots of espresso with a side of sparkling water.

的re’s so much to see when you’re visiting San Francisco, and you’ll need to stay awake for everything on your itinerary. 虽然我们的爱尔兰咖啡很有名,但这并不是你唯一可以尝试的口味. 无论你是咖啡爱好者还是只是想快速提神, 这些湾区特有的烘焙店和商店会让你体验到这座城市提供的一切.

Various Locations

Andytown Coffee Roasters

If you need a boost before you head to 海洋海滩,请查看 外部日落的 Andytown Coffee Roasters. When it first opened in 2017, Andytown的所有业务都在其600平方英尺的店面内进行. 从那时起, the company has opened an additional beach-friendly shop, a seventh floor coffee escape in the Financial District, and a giant roasting and education facility near its original home.

Check out Andytown Coffee
Various Locations

Blue Bottle Coffee

蓝瓶咖啡诞生于奥克兰,但它已经扩展到美国各地.S. 并从2002年开始进入日本、新加坡、韩国和中国. cult的最爱, Blue Bottle is known for incredibly fresh, 可口的咖啡, 你也可以通过他们的订阅服务获得送货上门的服务. 对于那些想要改进调色板的人,蓝瓶提供在线咖啡制作课程.

Check out Blue Bottle Coffee
Various Locations


蔡斯中心全年的活动和美食亮点让每个人都关注米申湾社区, but 起床号咖啡 Co. has been roasting its beans for years. 经营这家店的是一对兄弟,他们在贝博体彩app湾区的几家实体店供应咖啡, 哪一种仍然很受欢迎,可以搭配浓咖啡和绝佳的户外座位. 的ir location in 北海滩, 从这里可以看到泛美金字塔和哨兵大楼的标志性景观, is worth a stop over for a quick cup of joe.

Check Out 起床号咖啡


头 北海滩 这家贝博体彩app的主食以将浓缩咖啡引入西海岸而闻名. 的里雅斯特咖啡馆50多年来一直是社区的常客. It’s a family-owned stop once frequented by Joe DiMaggio, Francis Ford Coppola, 垮掉的一代作家, and other San Francisco celebrities. 

Check Out 咖啡的里雅斯特
Various Locations


赤道咖啡成立于1995年,一直走在第三波咖啡文化的前列. It’s also been a leader in the ethical cultivation of its products. 2016年,这家由女性拥有的烘焙工坊被美国食品和药物管理局评为“年度全国小企业”.S. Small Business Administration. 它的“幸福链”理念让赤道进入了法国洗衣店(French Laundry)和布雄(Bouchon)等知名厨房. 的re are seven storefronts across the Bay Area.

Check Out 赤道 Coffee


Grab a drink from 飞轮咖啡 before a day in 金门公园. 就像 嬉皮 neighborhood that it’s located in, the shop is eclectic and cool. 在宽敞的室内桌子和室外座位之间,这里是朋友聚会的好地方.

Check Out 飞轮咖啡


If you're taking a ride to the 外里士满, or on your way to explore the 海水浴场 或徒步旅行 土地结束, Koolah咖啡馆 is an ideal stop for a caffeine kick. Inspired by the laid-back vibe of cafes "down under," they bring a taste of Australia to San Francisco, 保证给你一个推动,因为你探索所有的城市所提供的. 不过要小心,否则你会忍不住在点卡布奇诺的时候收养一只考拉!

Check Out Koolah咖啡馆
18街3417号. and 1125 Mariposa St.


自2013年以来,白咖啡一直是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的咖啡烘焙商之一, and it’s made a name for itself in the indie coffee community. 最初的 Mission District 咖啡馆只能坐五个人,但在波特雷罗山的新店有更多的空间. 

Check Out 白咖啡
Various Locations


Touted as one of the best coffee shops in America by "TimeOut,菲尔兹咖啡在贝博体彩app湾区的咖啡圈留下了自己的印记,并已扩展到美国的几个地区.S. 城市. 21世纪初,菲尔在教会区开始了自己的生意, 它很快成为大型科技公司的首选咖啡. 让薄荷莫吉托冰咖啡成为你“犒赏自己”的时刻.

Check Out Philz那样的咖啡
Various Locations


仪式的咖啡 started as a roastery on Valencia St. 它的声誉建立在美味的豆子和包容的环境上. Each shop has a signature drink that’s unique to its location. If you need an impressive date spot, the 海斯谷 location is a repurposed shipping container! 

Check Out 仪式的咖啡
Various Locations

Saint Frank Coffee

Why pick one single origin roast when you can have a flight? 啜饮轻松,知道这家咖啡公司致力于寻找最道德来源的咖啡豆. 的 two locations, one in Russian Hill and a Polk Street pop-up, will give your Instagram feed a boost, 太. 

Check Out Saint Frank Coffee
Various Locations

Sightglass Coffee

Sightglass has expanded to three locations across San Francisco. Be sure to visit the flagship shop and roastery in SoMa. 这里空气清新,是你独自闲逛或与朋友聚会的好地方. Did we mention the mezzanine level, 太? 

Check Out Sightglass Coffee

Wrecking Ball Coffee

的 玛丽娜 和牛谷是跑步、探索和沿水观光的好地方. It’s a better experience with a latte from Wrecking Ball Coffee 在你的手中. 小,别致的商店提供全方位服务的咖啡吧和糕点.

Check Out Wrecking Ball Coffee


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, 非营利组织, 和政府. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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